Tuesday 30 May 2017

How to get element presense in Boolean type in Selenium 3 (instead of isElementPresent)

I am trying to learn automation testing with WebDriverJS-Mocha in NodeJS via guidance of this page: https://watirmelon.blog/2015/10/28/getting-started-with-webdriverjs-mocha/

And, I just want to know how to get element presense in Boolean type in Selenium 3 as it is 'isElementPresent' in Selenium 2

I am using two npm packages:

npm install selenium-webdriver@3.4.0
npm install -g mocha

I am running my js file as below:

mocha spec.js

I tried to code it as below:

driver.findElements(By.id('sampleID')).then(found => true, function(present) {
        driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.id('sampleID')), 3000);
        assert.equal(present, true, "Quote container not displayed");

via Çağdaş Köse

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