Tuesday 16 May 2017

Date is one day off when referenced inside nodejs application

Ok so this question has been asked here however the solutions given don't seem to resolve my issue.

I have the following:enter image description here

When I click save I refer to the these fields and create a date as shown here:

this.profile.date_of_birth = new Date(this.editProfileForm.value['year'], this.editProfileForm.value['month'], this.editProfileForm.value['day']);

Which when logged to the console reads:

Fri Dec 23 1988 00:00:00 GMT+1100 (AEDT)

I then make a call to my nodejs application which is running on http://localhost:3005, which takes the data and saves it to mongodb, before the save happens I log the value of date_of_birth as shown here:

api.put('/update', authenticate, (req, res) => {


    // Save properties


however this logs:


which is a day off....

I'm not doing any formatting before creating a new date when the user presses save, so I'm unsure into why when it leaves the front end application, and gets to the backend application the date is displayed incorrect....

The actual call to the nodejs application is here:

saveProfile(profileId: string, token: string, profile: Profile): Observable<any> {

        var body = {
            "id": profile.id,
            "date_of_birth": profile.date_of_birth,

        return this.http.put(UPDATE_EDIT_PROFILE, body, {
            headers: this.setHeaders(token)
        }).map((res: any) => res.json());


Can anyone recommend what could possibly going wrong?

via Code Ratchet

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