Tuesday 30 May 2017

Alexa Skill Not Distinguishing Letters & Numbers

We are working on as Alexa Skill which references information by a letter+number sequence. For example, we want to ask "Give me the status of item B1".

We have tried several ways to sort out the "B1" in our Alexa intent configuration, but we are getting very inconsistent (and usually wrong) results.

Our latest attempt was to create a "letters" slot and a "numbers" slot and create our invocation such as: give me the status of {letter} {number} but again, we usually get our slots back with no value in the JSON - or often Alexa will send JSON that contains values that are not in our slot definitions. If I say "B1", Alexa might return "viva" or some other random word.

The problem is in Alexa's interpretation of the voice. If we use the test text entry in the developer console, it (usually) works as expected.

Has anyone had success with letter/number combinations like this?

via Chris

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