Wednesday 17 May 2017

add key:value to a .json file

I have this config.json file:

  "account_name": {
    "min_len": "3",
    "max_len": "15",
    "upperCase": true,
    "lowerCase": true,
    "numbers": true,
    "specialChar": false,
    "capitalize": false,
    "duplication": false,
    "startWithCapital": false
  "password": {
    "min_len": "6",
    "max_len": "20",
    "upperCase": true,
    "lowerCase": true,
    "numbers": true,
    "specialChar": true,
    "capitalize": false,
    "duplication": false,
    "StartWithCapital": false

How can I add other values to this .json file from the code? for exapmle :

var keysOpt = require('../config/config.json'); = "eric" // will save the new field to the file itself

via Zed Evans

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