Wednesday 17 May 2017

Should I use a single repository or two separate repositories for MEAN stack project?

I am building a web app on MEAN stack, and my front end and back end will be deployed on separate servers. I will be using AWS to host them, namely an S3 bucket for the Angular 2 front end and an EC2 instance for the Node.js back end.

Should I use two separate repositories to maintain the app's front end and back end parts of the code? It appears to me that most of the time the code changes will be introduced to either end, but not both at the same time. What approach do other MEAN stack developers choose when building API-first projects?

I have researched the web, and the opinions on this subject vary significantly. Some say that big guys, say Facebook, keep all their code in a single repository. Some others say that keeping the code separately is better for a number of reasons. What is the current best practice? Thanks!

via Andre Kuzmicheff

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