Thursday 18 May 2017

I want to convert attributes to elements in Strong-SOAP xmlToJson

I'm using strong-soap node.js module to convert XML string to JSON string: xmlHandler.xmlToJson()

but XML from SOAP have in tag attributes and they are converted from strong-soap to JSON element with key $attributes like:

"location": ...

How can I remove this $attributes key to have JSON string like:

    "location": ...

I can only remove the whole $attributes but this is not my goal:

const root = xmlHandler.xmlToJson(null, xmlString, null);
const jsonString = JSON.stringify(root.Body.GetFuelStationsResponse, function replacer(key, value) {
                    return key !== '$attributes' ? value: undefined;

Can I convert attributes into JSON properties using strong-soap xmlToJson or with JSON.stringify replacer function?

via sytolk

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