Wednesday 24 May 2017

how to do server side rendering the first time the vue spa is requested from browser?

I've tried to improve the first paint time and the SEO of a vue single page web application using nuxt, vue-rendered or phantomjs but in the end, I can't find the way to use nuxt only for certain routes and render the vue components from server instead of browser only the first time the user or the bots access to my webpage. Phantomjs is not the best solution I think because it is like a browser who render the page and give you the html so the time won't be improved and also it would be so difficult manage it with async ajax calls or custom header based in location.

What I'm trying to search is a properly way to handle a vue single page application but using server side rendering the first time the user or bot land in to the page in order to improve the time of first time and better SEO the bots crawlers

via Fzurita

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