Tuesday 23 May 2017

Facebook Account Kit: Unable to exchange authorization code for access Token

I have integrated the facebook AccountKit to authenticate a user based on SMS Verfication:

I am using the Authorization Code Flow to authenticate a user. I successfully receive the Auth Code. As required I send this auth Code to my server. The server makes a Graph API Request to exchange this auth code with an access Token. It makes the following Request:

GET https://graph.accountkit.com/v1.2/access_token?grant_type=authorization_code&code<authorization_code>&access_token=AA|<facebook_app_id>|<app_secret>

In response all I get is the following:

'{"error":{"message":"Service temporarily unavailable","type":"EMApiException","is_transient":true,"code": 2,"fbtrace_id":"DOlg5YLDse5"}}'

Other Details: My Client Is an Android Application. My Server uses Node.js

via Ludwig

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