I'm in the process of creating a facebook messenger bot using AWS Lambda and the Serverless framework. For now I just want it to repeat whatever is sent right back to the user. Here is the code:
'use strict';
var https = require('https');
const axios = require('axios');
module.exports.hello = (event, context, callback) => {
const response = {
statusCode: 200,
body: JSON.stringify({
message: 'Go Serverless v1.0! Your function executed successfully!',
input: event,
callback(null, response);
// Use this code if you don't use the http event with the LAMBDA-PROXY integration
// callback(null, { message: 'Go Serverless v1.0! Your function executed successfully!', event });
// Receive user messages
module.exports.botReply = (event, context, callback) => {
var data = JSON.parse(event.body);
console.log("BOT REPLY")
// Make sure this is a page subscription
if (data.object === 'page') {
// Iterate over each entry - there may be multiple if batched
data.entry.forEach(function(entry) {
var pageID = entry.id;
var timeOfEvent = entry.time;
// Iterate over each messaging event
entry.messaging.forEach(function(msg) {
if (msg.message) {
console.log("received message");
const payload = {
recipient: {
id: msg.sender.id
message: {
text: "test"
const url = "https://graph.facebook.com/v2.6/me/messages?access_token=" + PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN;
axios.post(url, payload).then((response) => callback(null, response));
} else {
console.log("Webhook received unknown event: ", event);
var response = {
'body': "ok",
'statusCode': 200
callback(null, response);
So the bot does successfully echo back the messages, but in my logs I can see it getting executed multiple times. Sometimes the message has no "message" key in the JSON for some reason, so the multiple executions have different outcomes. I believe it has something to do with me sending the message back to the user because when I comment out the axios.post, the problem stops. Any idea why this is happening?
via Brandon Meeks
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