Sunday, 23 April 2017

NodeJS Specific Language Syntax Checker

I recently found a npm package called syntax-checker (

And i would like to integrate this into my js script. I'm using a Discord chat bot which checks the message for a code block and the coding language. As the description of Syntax checker says, it supports Ruby, PHP, Perl, Lua, C/CPP, Bash, Javascript and Python. How would i integrate this into the bot? I currently use for js checking this script

  if (message.content.includes("```js"))

    let code = message.content.substring('```js '.length);
    var codebegin = code.split("```js").pop();

    var n = codebegin.indexOf('```');
    var codeend = codebegin.substring(0, n != -1 ? n : codebegin.length);

    var check = require('syntax-error');

    var err = check(codeend);

    if (err)

      message.reply("Your code contains errors! ```" + err + "```");
message.reply("No Errors!");


via Select

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