I have a bot that is built with botkit and using a Zendesk api to pull information.
I have a function that asks a user for a search term and the bot searches relevant information about that search term. It pulls the information from the Zendesk API and outputs the answer.
I don't understand when accessing the object's value some values are able to be outputted while some are not.
For example, if the user submits 'jim' as the search term. I can pull relevant information by doing this: tickets[0].id + tickets[0].priority + tickets[0].subject + tickets[0].description.
When I do something like this: tickets[4]- I get undefined values.
The full code of what I'm trying to do is this:
controller.hears(['SEARCH TICKET',/search ticket/gi, /^.{0,}jirabot.
// start a conversation to handle this response.
bot.startConversation(message,function(err,convo) {
convo.ask('What are you looking for?',function(response,convo) {
bot.reply(message, 'The Ticket ID Number: ' + tickets[3] + tickets[0].id + '\n The Ticket Priority: ' + tickets[0].priority + '\n The Ticket Subject: ' + tickets[0].subject + '\n The Ticket Description: \n'+ tickets[0].description + '\n');
Here is what the JSON looks like:
"results": [(in here is the information like ticket subject, priority, id,
"facets": null,
"next_page": null,
"previous_page": null,
"count": 2
How do I get the value for count? I get undefined when I do tickets[4].
via traveler316
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